Jane in a crowd background image


I’ve spent my life fighting for what I believe in. When I was 32, President Nixon had me arrested. 50 years later I was arrested five times for protesting the government’s inaction on climate change. It’s no secret that I have a history of ruffling feathers in Washington. Today, support for climate action is unprecedented. The public is voting with the climate in mind, but the people we elect are not. This has led me to reflect on what we need to do to secure meaningful action on climate. Our planet is on fire and our leaders are failing us, so if we can’t change the minds of the people in power, we need to change the people in power. It is for that reason that I started Jane Fonda Climate PAC, which is laser-focused on one goal:Do what it takes to defeat fossil fuel supporters and elect climate champions at all levels of government. I believe this is the most important thing I will do in my lifetime.


Jane Fonda, Principal

Jane Fonda has famously dedicated her life to activism, most recently mobilizing thousands of people to take action on climate through Fire Drill Fridays, a set of weekly climate demonstrations on Capitol Hill. Her book, What Can I Do? My Path from Climate Despair to Action, equips activists with the tools needed to engage and take action on climate change.

Annie Leonard, Former Executive Director of Greenpeace USA and creator of The Story of Stuff (organizations listed for identification purposes only).

Annie Leonard is an experienced and prominent climate change leader in the United States. She has a track record of over 30 years of activism and is the former Executive Director of Greenpeace US where she led a team to inspire and mobilize millions of people to take action to create a more sustainable and just future together. Note: Jane’s Climate PAC is independent from Greenpeace and the collaboration it runs with Jane, Fire Drill Fridays.


The climate crisis poses unprecedented threats to our communities, our environment, our economy, and our security. It’s not too late to change our course. But it won’t happen as long as oil, gas, and coal companies maintain their stranglehold on American politics. In 2020, the fossil fuel industry poured $139 million into our elections. This money has real consequences. Major solutions are stopped cold: the Green New Deal, Build Back Better, clean energy investments, ending billions in tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry — all because of politicians backed by Big Oil. Fossil fuel lobbyists and their money control Congress. They block actions with huge donations to politicians from both parties. Jane Fonda Climate PAC will help elect leaders who will rise to the urgency of this moment and stand up to the fossil fuel industry. Jane Fonda Climate PAC will leverage the donations of those who are climate-concerned to counter the outsized influence the fossil fuel industry has on our government. We will make sure politicians who support oil and gas are as afraid for their jobs as we are about the impending climate disaster.


We have reached a stark turning point. We are no longer just imagining how the world will look in a disrupted climate; we’re seeing and feeling the reality of the crisis every single day as we witness wildfires, heat waves, and floods destroy communities. The most recent IPCC report told us that half of the world population is already in the danger zone, that every fraction of a degree matters, and that every second counts.Scientists tell us we have just eight years left to curtail fossil fuel use and prevent the worst climate outcomes. It’s not too late to change our course. But it won’t happen as long as oil, gas, and coal companies maintain their stranglehold on American politics. We have to cut our fossil fuel emissions in half in the next eight years to avoid complete climate disaster.That means we have just four election cycles to elect politicians who will stand up to the fossil fuel industry and fight for the future of our planet. It’s not too late to make a change, but we need to act right away. We are going to target candidates and elected officials who are protecting fossil fuels instead of protecting people and the planet. This moment calls for agile, aggressive action, and we are ready to provide it. This is just the start of an effort that will last for years to come, help level the playing field in our political system, and elect true climate leaders across the nation. If we don’t act now, things will only get worse.

2024 Endorsements

Federal Candidates

Kamala Harris, President of the United States

Kamala Harris has used her time in elected office to hold polluters accountable and fight for our climate. As California’s Attorney General, she investigated fossil fuel companies for faulty infrastructure maintenance, and as VP, she helped lead the strongest climate and environmental administration in recent history. As President, she can build on this work to lead the way to a livable, clean energy future.

Greg Casar, TX-35

A proven climate champion, Greg Casar is fighting for a sustainable future by cosponsoring the Green New Deal and working to end fossil fuel subsidies.

Summer Lee, PA-12

At the heart of climate advocacy, Rep. Summer Lee pushes for a clean energy future and accountability for corporate polluters.

Laura Friedman, CA-30

Laura Friedman will bring her proven track-record as an assembly-member to Congress as she leads on bold environmental initiatives, from banning toxins to preserving public lands.


State Level Candidates


Sade Elhawary, CA AD-57

Sade Elhawary’s campaign intertwines environmental justice with civil rights, aiming to remediate pollution and invest in clean energy.


Christy Holstege, CA AD-47

From fighting wildfires to banning harmful chemicals, Christy has been a leader in her community on combatting the climate crisis. We know she will bring that same leadership to advance clean energy solutions in CA Assembly District 47.


Marisol Rubio, CA SD-9

Active in environmental organizations, Marisol Rubio is dedicated to combating climate change, preserving open spaces, and ensuring readiness for extreme weather. We can count on her to lead CA State Senate District 9 towards a sustainable future for all of our communities.


Dr. Darshana Patel, CA AD-76

Dr. Darshana Patel is a research scientist who understands the threat climate disasters pose to California. She's committed to diversifying renewable energy and investing in the sustainable infrastructure critical to ensuring Californians a greener, more resilient future.


Monique Limón, CA SD-21

Monique Limón has a long record of fighting for her community — serving as a Santa Barbara Unified School District Board Member, as well as a State Assemblymember. She currently serves as State Senator representing California's SD-19, where she has championed renewable energy and natural resource protection. Monique is a committed advocate for environmental protections, access to the outdoors, and environmental justice who understands environmental issues impact everyone.


Michelle Chambers, CA SD-35

Michelle Chambers' dedication to equity and environmental justice makes her an exceptional candidate to lead Los Angeles towards a sustainable future. She's commiteed to elevating the voices of marginalized communities in the fight for a sustainable future, and will be the fierce leader we need to take bold action for climate justice. 


Jovanka Beckles, CA SD-7

When Jovanka Beckles moved there in 2005, Richmond, California was practically a "company town" — Chevron was, and is still, the largest employer in the city and the city council was staffed almost entirely by politicians in Big Oil's pocket. Jovanka took Chevron to task over their rampant pollution, championing a tax law that forced the Oil Giant to pay $100+ million to the community. Holding corporate polluters accountable has been and will remain a top priority for this Climate Champion. 


Eloise Gomez Reyes, CA SD-29

The first Latina to serve as Majority in the State Assembly, Reyes has been a fierce climate justice champion for the Inland Empire. Reyes is currently working to address the pollution crisis in her district and has passed legislation to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for price-gouging.


Sasha Renée Pérez, CA SD-25

Championing green spaces and renewable energy, Sasha Renée Pérez’s vision for CA Senate District 25 focuses on community and environmental justice.


Tara Sreekrishnan, CA AD-26

Facing an unprecedented climate crisis, we must elect Tara to the California State Assembly to secure our future. Her accomplishments include founding an environmental nonprofit that mobilized hundreds of students to combat climate change, holding her county's largest polluter accountable while transitioning the site for public health, and vastly enhancing environmental education and green career opportunities for students district-wide.


Robert Garcia, CA AD-50

Robert is passionate about education and its role in strengthening communities. It is for that reason that Robert was drawn to serve. Robert is a Democrat running for State Assembly to continue his mission to create opportunities for all in the Inland Empire.


Lena Gonzalez, CA SD-33

Lena Gonzalez currently serves as the Majority Leader of the California State Senate. As a Senator, she’s authored important legislation to expand paid sick leave, improve abortion access, and defend LGBTQ+ rights. As the Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee and the author of SB 1137 (Oil Well Setbacks to End Neighborhood Drilling), Lena is helping lead California’s fight against climate change.


Nick Schultz, CA AD-44

In three years with the Burbank City Council, Nick spearheaded an ambitious Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan, established a Sustainability Coordinator role, and successfully passed Burbank's first ban on polystyrene and single-use plastics. As a top contender and environmental advocate, Nick secured nearly 30% of the vote, advancing to the General Election as the leading candidate. In the Legislature, he aims to support California's push for clean energy, green technologies, biodiversity, and climate justice.


Molly Cook, TX SD-15

Molly is an experienced advocate for environmental justice and has a successful track record of fighting for policies that put the health and well-being of all Texans first.


Elliott Hood, CU Regent At-Large

Elliott Hood is a proud CU alum, a former teacher, and an education attorney serving school districts across Colorado. He is running for Regent to make CU more affordable, get guns out of classrooms, push CU to be more sustainable, stand up for collective bargaining rights for our workers, and promote diversity, inclusion, and civil discourse on campus.


Junie Joseph, CO HD-10

As the current State Representative for House District 10, voters have the opportunity to once again elect a highly qualified representative who has brought our district's diverse perspectives on environmental issues, housing, criminal justice, and education to the forefront of the state's policies and decision making.


Priya Sundareshan, LD18 Senate

A fierce advocate for science-based decision-making and clean energy, Priya is dedicated to conserving Arizona’s water and incentivizing clean, renewable energy.


Christine Marsh, LD4 Senate

Arizona’s 2016 Teacher of the Year, Christine is committed to making Arizona a clean energy powerhouse and creating good-paying jobs while reducing the state’s carbon footprint.


Judy Schwiebert, AZ LD2 Senate

An advocate for water protection, Judy fights for air and water quality and supports repealing the ban on monitoring greenhouse gas emissions.


Lauren Kuby, AZ LD8 Senate

A Global Futures Scientist and former Tempe City Council Member and Vice Mayor, Lauren will champion action on climate that protects both our planet and workers across the state.


Eva Burch, AZ LD9 Senate

An emergency room nurse, Eva is dedicated to building a sustainable future by investing in clean energy, improving options for mass transportation, and reducing carbon emissions.


John McLean, AZ LD17 Senate

A third-generation Arizonan passionate about environmental sustainability, John aims to address the water crisis and expand rooftop solar.


Analise Ortiz, AZ LD24 Senate

Analise will bring the fight for a just transition the State Senate while remaining focused on her commitment to cleaning up a Superfund site that threatens the health of the people in LD24.


Oscar De Los Santos, AZ LD11 House

As House Assistant Democratic Leader, Oscar is a steadfast ally to frontline communities as he champions clean air, clean water, and environmental justice.


Lorena Austin, AZ LD9 House

A community activist, Lorena prioritizes addressing the water crisis and holding corporate polluters accountable.


Stephanie Simacek, AZ LD2 House

An educator and school board member, Stephanie is dedicated to water conservation and transitioning to clean energy.


Seth Blattman, AZ LD9 House

Blattman is a local business owner who grew up in Arizona. Seth is dedicated to addressing Arizona’s water crisis and ensuring every Arizonan has access to clean air and clean water.


Jaime Churches, MI HD27

Jaime has a proven record of championing clean energy reforms and is a fierce advocate who has been working to protect Michiganders’ waterways from toxic pollution. Jaime is committed to holding corporate polluters accountable and making them pay for the mess they’ve made. Trust us when we say, we need Jaime in office — make a contribution below to support her campaign!


Donavan McKinney, MI HD11

In his first term, Donavan spearheaded several pieces of historic environmental legislation, including major clean energy reforms. Donavan is laser-focused on fighting to rein in corporate influence on campaigns, make polluters pay, expand community solar power, and much more. Donate below to support Donavan's re-election to Michigan's State House!


Jenn Hill, MI HD109

Jenn Hill is a proven leader for our environment and is leading Michigan toward a clean energy future. Jenn isn’t afraid to hold corporate polluters accountable and will always put her constituents first. Jenn’s legislative accomplishments, including the state’s historic clean energy package, underscore her commitment to a clean, green future.


Dylan Wegela, MI HD22

Dylan Wegela has been a staunch advocate for climate action and clean energy. Dylan fought to pass Michigan’s historic clean energy package, and has been an outspoken opponent of dangerous fossil fuel infrastructure like Line 5.
Dylan is working to level the playing field and prohibit investor-owned utilities from using dark money to influence elections.


Reggie Miller, MI HD31

During her first term in office, Reggie Miller was among the Michigan legislators who set the Great Lakes State on the path to use 100% renewable energy by 2040.

Michigan is home to a notorious hazardous waste landfill — classified to accept our most toxic material, like soil from the Manhattan Project. Reggie introduced legislation to deter the import of out-of-state waste to keep our communities and the Great Lakes clean. If re-elected, she will continue to support legislation that protects and preserves our environment for future generations.


Emily Dievendorf, MI HD77

Emily Dievendorf is running in one of the most competitive races in the Michigan State Legislature. Emily has been a fierce and consistent climate champion in the state legislature and now it's time for us to have her back. Michigan HD-77 feels the impacts of manufacturing pollution, stormwater runoff, and industrial farm practices — making climate-conscious leadership critical in Emily's district. Emily is dedicated to making industries greener and farms more sustainable through stronger environmental standards and a revitalized agricultural curriculum.


Jennifer Conlin, MI HD48

In Michigan's last legislative session, Rep. Jennifer Conlin championed historic climate action, fighting for the very soul of her farm-dense district — HD-48.

Family farms, once the area's economic backbone, are struggling to survive in a system that favors corporate consolidation. Rep. Conlin knows that clean energy isn't just about the environment. It's a lifeline for our farming communities, a path to clean air, water, and land for our children, and a way to ensure small businesses thrive.


Kimberly Edwards, MI HD12

As a social worker and a mother, Rep. Kimberly Edwards knows that leadership is about creating solutions that not only address immediate needs, but also foster long-term well-being.

In the 2023-2024 legislative session, Michigan's legislature took 14 environment-related votes and Rep. Edwards sided with the planet and the health of our families every time. Keeping climate champions like Rep. Edwards in office is critical to building on Michigan's clean energy wins in 2023.


Megan Kocher, PA HD119

Megan Kocher understands the urgency of the climate crisis, not only for our planet, but for the health and well-being of communities across the state. She is committed to decreasing Pennsylvania’s dependence on fossil fuels and investing in new high-paying jobs needed to support the transition to a clean energy future.


Nikil Saval, PA SD1

Nikil Saval has a proven record of fighting for our planet and for the people of Pennsylvania. In his time in office, Nikil has sponsored and passed legislation to encourage energy efficiency in the housing sector and minimize fossil fuel reliance – especially in Pennsylvania’s schools.


Danielle Friel Otten, PA HD155

Danielle Friel Otten knows what it takes to lead in a community directly impacted by the fossil fuel industry. As an organizer, she opposed the Mariner East Pipeline, a fracked gas project running through her neighborhood. And as an elected official, she has sponsored and cosponsored legislation on pipeline safety, renewable energy, and accountability for Big Oil.


Anna Thomas, PA HD137

Anna Thomas grew up in a family of immigrants from Malaysia and India, whose values shaped her commitment to improving the quality of life for all Pennsylvanians.

Anna knows that her community's well being and combating the climate crisis go hand in hand. Anna will advocate for holding corporations accountable, regulating forever chemicals, and preserving open spaces. If Anna can flip her district — HD-137 — we can expand the slim pro-climate majority in Pennsylvania's House of Representatives.


Hadley Haas, PA HD44

Hadley Haas understands the threat the climate crisis poses to her home district and the planet. As a fierce protector of clean air and clean water, she will continue to fight for healthy, resilient communities in the State House.


Andre Carroll, PA HD201

Andre Carroll is a deeply committed to ensuring that Pennsylvanians rights to clean air and water are respected and protected. If elected Andre will represent the Germantown section of Philadelphia and is aware of Big Oil’s role in harming working people. Andre is fighting for a clean, green future and stands against the extractive fossil fuel industry.


Ylenia Aguilar, Arizona Corporation Commission

Ylenia Aguilar is committed to securing Arizona's water future and advancing renewable energy. Her platform focuses on creating a sustainable future for the state through renewable energy initiatives and ensuring consumers have access to clean, affordable water. We know she will continue her deep commitment to combating the climate crisis when elected.


Jonathon Hill, Arizona Corporation Commission

Jonathan is committed to addressing the climate crisis while protecting communities most vulnerable to harm. He will use his spot on the ACC to guide Arizona toward the greater use of clean energy and more responsible management of environmental resources.


Joshua Polacheck, Arizona Corporation Commission

Joshua Polacheck is dedicated to protecting Arizona’s water, energy, and environmental future. He advocates for expanding renewable energy and ensuring responsible stewardship of the state’s resources. His platform is built on the principles of sustainability and long-term planning to address the climate crisis.


Anthony Broadman, OR SD27

As a member of the Bend City Council and a legal advocate for Tribal governments, Anthony Broadman has consistently championed climate progress in Oregon.

Protecting the environment is integral to his legal work defending Treaty rights, cultural resources, land, water, and air. As a City Councilor, Anthony has dedicated himself to protecting Oregon's forests amid the climate crisis — emphasizing climate-smart forestry, restoring fire-resistant old growth, fostering biodiversity, and recognizing Indigenous knowledge and practices in forest management.


Khanh Pham, OR SD23

As the daughter of Vietnamese refugees, Khanh Pham became a climate activist after seeing the impacts of extreme heat, flooding, saltwater intrusion, and drought on the most vulnerable in Vietnam.

In the Oregon legislature, Khanh has paired groundbreaking clean energy bills with justice-focused energy affordability and climate resilience policies because she knows that it’s the most vulnerable community members who are hit hardest by the climate crisis. She is committed to a just transition from fossil fuels, and to building renewable energy infrastructure to benefit every Oregonian.


Vicky Estrada-Bustillo, NM HD-31

Vicky Estrada-Bustillo spent over 20 years with the U.S. Forest Service, where she worked with a wide range of people and groups— all with different, sometimes conflicting priorities — to solve complex problems involving land use, water, and wildfire.

She will bring her problem-solving expertise in protecting our natural landscapes to holding corporate polluters responsible, pushing for renewable energy investments, and advocating for policies that build wildfire resilience to protect communities from climate change impacts.


Kathleen Cates, NM HD-44

Kathleen Cates is a strong advocate for forward-thinking climate policies in New Mexico.

She focuses on advancing renewable energy initiatives, water conservation measures, and policies that protect public lands. She supports New Mexico’s Green Amendment and is committed to pushing for legislation that fosters sustainability, protects the state from the impacts of the fossil fuel industry and prepares New Mexicans for the challenges of a changing climate.


Joy Garratt, NM HD-29

Joy Garratt is a lifelong teacher and mentor, and is 100 percent committed to protecting our air, land, water and soil.

Joy understands firsthand the negative impacts pollution can have on the health of our children. Joy is a strong advocate of protecting New Mexico's natural resources, holding polluters accountable, and moving New Mexico toward a clean energy economy.


Harold Pope Jr., NM HD-23

As the first Black state senator in New Mexico, Harold Pope Jr. has championed legislation to protect clean air and water for his community, and worked to safeguard our natural resources.

Harold is a cosponsor of legislation that would establish a constitutional right to a healthy environment for all New Mexicans.


Eleanor Chavez, NM HD-26

Eleanor Chavez is a mom of four, a union organizer and fierce advocate for climate justice for her community.

Eleanor is committed to promoting a just transition to renewable energy, and ensuring that workers and frontline communities are prioritized in the move toward a clean energy economy.


Debbie Sariñana, NM HD-21

Debbie Sariñana was a math and science teacher for twenty years in Albuquerque schools, and has a deep love for her community.

Debbie is a leading advocate for protecting New Mexicans from harmful pollution and is working to protect families, schools and daycare centers from toxic fossil fuel pollution. Debbie is committed to transitioning the state toward a more sustainable and resilient future for all communities.


Charlotte Little, NM HD-68

Charlotte Little is a member of San Felipe Pueblo and is dedicated to combating climate change by focusing on policies that protect New Mexico’s land and water resources.

She is a strong proponent of expanding renewable energy infrastructure in rural areas, wildfire resilience, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and ensuring that New Mexico’s transition to clean energy benefits frontline communities.


Matthew McQueen, NM HD-50

As a father of two, Matthew is keenly aware of how the climate crisis will impact future generations.

Matthew is a strong advocate for addressing New Mexico's water challenges, and has worked to conserve water resources, improve drought resiliency, and promote sustainable water management practices across the state.


Joseph Hernandez, NM HD-4

Joseph Hernandez was an Assistant Youth Wrestling Coach, Community Organizer and now he’s fighting for clean air and water for his community. Joseph is committed to expanding renewable energy solutions, including solar and wind power, to ensure sustainable and affordable electricity for New Mexico families.

Joseph champions the development of microgrids and green infrastructure to address the environmental challenges facing rural and Indigenous areas.


Mimi Stewart, NM SD-17

State Senator Mimi Stewart is a longtime advocate for climate action and is a cosponsor of legislation that would secure a right to clean air, water, and a healthy environment for all New Mexicans.

Through her career, Stewart has advanced renewable energy initiatives, held corporate polluters accountable, and worked to ensure that future generations inherit a sustainable New Mexico.


Carrie Hamblen, NM SD-38

Carrie Hamblen is a fierce advocate for protecting New Mexico’s unique landscapes and natural resources.

She has championed legislation to safeguard public lands and is working to prevent harmful development and resource extraction in sensitive wilderness areas and preserve the state's iconic landscapes.


Gabby Begay, NM HD-39

Gabby Begay has seen the negative environmental and health impacts of climate change, and mining and drilling in her rural New Mexico district.

In the legislature, she will be a fierce advocate for protecting the state’s rivers, holding corporate polluters accountable, transitioning to clean energy, and pushing for policies that build climate and economic resilience.


Heather Berghmans, NM SD-15

Heather Berghmans’ environmental advocacy began when she participated in the Youth Conservation Corps.

She knows how important it is to safeguard New Mexico’s natural resources for future generations. Heather is a strong advocate for smart energy policy, and in the legislature, she will focus on a just transition off of fossil fuels, and work to build the state as a leader in renewable energy.


David Upthegrove, Washington Commissioner of Public Lands

Currently a King County Councilor and former state legislator, David has a strong climate background, having chaired the Environment Committee and sponsored key climate legislation. He is endorsed by prominent environmental groups and political leaders. His platform includes protecting legacy forests, advancing clean energy projects, and improving wildfire resilience, all while centering environmental justice and honoring treaty rights​.


Melissa Demyan, WA LD-45

Melissa Demyan, a climate champion and union organizer is running for the WA State House against a well-funded corporate Democrat, Larry Springer. Larry has taken tens of thousands in donations from Big Oil and corporate interests, and even voted against unemployment benefits for striking workers.

Melissa will tackle the climate crisis head-on by strengthening emissions standards and investing in green infrastructure. We don't need yet another elected official in the pocket of Big Oil, we need leaders like Melissa who will always put working families first.


City and County Candidates

Candace Avalos, Portland City Council District 1

A dynamic leader, Candace Avalos, is committed to fulfilling Portland's environmental justice commitments. Her unique perspective as a 'Blacktina' will enrich the Portland City Council.

Steph Routh, Portland City Council District 1

Steph Routh is committed to leading Portland to a clean energy future, and addressing the environmental injustices impacting our communities.

Nat West, Portland City Council District 2

Nat is a former union member, former small business owner, and social justice activist, who believes collaboration among residents, community organizations, and the city is the best way to solve problems. As a bicycle commuter and a former Tri-Met bus driver, Nat is a strong proponent of safer streets and public transit. As a city councilor, Nat will focus on reducing transportation emissions, ensuring small businesses thrive in a green economy, and decarbonizing Portland.

Michelle DePass, Portland City Council District 2

Michelle DePass is a dedicated community advocate and a climate change analyst for the City of Portland. She has a strong track record of inclusion, and breaking down barriers to civic participation. As the first Black woman to chair the Portland School Board of Education in its 170-year history, Michelle led the creation of a youth-driven, community-based climate commission to tackle climate challenges within the school district. As a city councilor, she will champion a just transition to a sustainable future for all Portlanders.

Tiffany Koyama Lane, Portland City Council District 3

Tiffany is an award-winning public school teacher, union organizer, and Japanese American activist. At Sunnyside Environmental School, she brings climate issues front and center in her classroom. On the city council, Tiffany will prioritize protecting Portland’s ecosystems, leading the transition off fossil fuels, and ensuring that low-income communities and communities of color fully benefit from the shift to clean energy.

Angelita Morillo, Portland City Council District 3

Angelita Morillo is a policy advocate and legislative strategist with a long history of equitable policy work, including at City Hall. A central theme in her work is ensuring that local governments and decision-makers serve the people. As a Portland City Councilor, she will ensure that climate is woven into all policy areas. Angelita will work to improve public transit to reduce carbon emissions and prioritize equity in the transition to a greener future for Portland.

Steve Novick, Portland City Council District 3

Steve Novick is one of the few politicians who had it right from the start on the dangers of fossil fuels. He didn't have to "evolve" like many politicians do to find their way on climate policy, he's been at the forefront of the fight his whole career. As a lawyer with the Department of Justice, he fought polluters in landmark cases including Love Canal — recovering $129 million for taxpayers, and establishing legal precedents for holding polluters accountable. Steve is a dedicated public servant with a proven track record of protecting our environment and getting things done. That's the kind of leadership Portland needs right now.

Mitch Green, Portland City Council District 4

Mitch Green is an Army veteran, community college professor, and energy economist. Mitch is committed to holding the fossil fuel industry accountable for the harm they cause to our communities. On the city council, he’ll take action to make Portland a leader in solving the climate crisis by prioritizing climate resiliency, championing workers’ rights, and driving investments that transition Portland to a green economy.

Jackie Fielder, San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Jackie Fielder is a community organizer, former city commissioner, educator, and climate and environmental justice advocate. As a proud granddaughter of Mexican immigrants and Native Americans, Jackie's heritage deeply influences her commitment to climate justice. As a city supervisor, Jackie will focus on establishing a public green bank to finance decarbonization, and renewable energy in disadvantaged communities.

Terra Lawson-Remer, San Diego County Board of Supervisors

Terra Lawson-Remer’s dedication to protecting our beaches and advocating for net zero by 2035 exemplifies her commitment to clean energy and environmental protection.

Holly Mitchell, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors

Holly Mitchell has been a steadfast advocate for environmental justice and sustainability. She spearheaded efforts to address the climate crisis, including the implementation of key motions to reduce fossil fuel reliance and enhance renewable energy initiatives. Holly remains committed to holding the fossil fuel industry accountable and ensuring a healthier, sustainable future for Los Angeles.

Nick Brown, Salt River Project Board District 7

Nick Brown brings a wealth of experience in energy project management. His tenure includes hands-on work with wind and solar installations and leadership in environmental and safety programs. Since moving to Arizona in 2011, Brown has emphasized sustainable energy practices, including his role as Director of Sustainability at ASU. He advocates for a robust renewable energy portfolio and a secure energy grid, underscoring his dedication to SRP's mission and the well-being of its customers.

Casey Clowes, Salt River Project Board At-Large Seat 11

Casey is running to foster healthy, sustainable communities. With a strong background as Voting Rights Director at Progress Arizona and significant legal and policy expertise from ASU, she is committed to advancing pro-democracy initiatives and sustainable energy solutions. Her experience with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and in negotiating impactful contracts equips her to advocate effectively for fair and efficient energy policies.

Sandra Kennedy, Board At-large Seat 13

Sandra Kennedy, a seasoned public servant and advocate for solar energy, is campaigning for the SRP Board's At-large Seat 13, aiming to enhance Arizona's commitment to renewable resources and consumer rights. Her distinguished career includes pivotal roles in the Arizona Legislature, where she championed bipartisan legislation, and efforts to advance solar energy and efficiency as a member of the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Jen Allen, Pima County, AZ Board of Supervisors

As Senior VP of Community and Civic Engagement at the League of Conservation Voters, Jen founded Chispa, a climate justice organizing program rooted in Latinx communities across the U.S. focused on bringing those who are most directly affected by climate change into policy-making. The program has had successful campaigns in several states. While at LCV, she also founded Democracy for All, which registered 1.2 million POC voters in 17 states over two election cycles. It was the largest voter registration program in the US at the time.

Judie Mancuso, Laguna Beach City Council

A longtime environmentalist and leader on the Laguna Beach Environmental Sustainability Committee since 2019, Judie Mancuso will always fight to protect our climate and natural spaces. She has demonstrated leadership in this arena over decades by fighting to preserve California’s heritage trees, and stopping a dirty and dangerous project to build an LNG terminal off the coast of Malibu. She also led the charge to ensure the US upheld its support of the commercial whaling moratorium, and founded a legislative nonprofit that advocates successfully for animal rights and environmental protections.

Igor Tregub, Berkeley City Council

Igor has devoted more than 20 years of his life to serving the people of Berkeley. Helping people is his calling, and finding common ground to solve problems is what he does best.

Sophie Hahn, Berkley Mayor

Sophie Hahn has a proven track record of turning ideas into action and delivering results on key issues like sustainability and fossil fuel reliance. She's a strong proponent of renewable energy sources and has advocated for policies that promote solar, wind, and public transportation in Berkeley.

Jody Shadduck-McNally, Larimer County Commissioner, CO

Jody Shadduck-McNally is a longtime community organizer, advocate, nonprofit leader and the first woman elected to serve as Larimer County Commissioner for District 3. One of her first actions as commissioner was to accelerate and implement the County's first ever climate and sustainability plan. Jody has also been involved in efforts to strengthen oil and gas regulations and hold fossil fuel companies accountable for threatening the health of the local community. 

Naomi Lopez, El Paso County Commissioner, CO

Naomi López is ready to make history as the first Latina on the El Paso County Commission, bringing vital representation to her community. A strong advocate for clean water, she is committed to tackling the PFAS (forever chemicals) contamination crisis and ensuring El Paso County leads in the green energy economy by expanding EV infrastructure. Naomi will bring fresh leadership, prioritizing the health and future of all residents.

Marta Loachamin, Boulder County Commissioner, CO

Marta Loachamin made history as Boulder County's first commissioner of color. Marta is a strong climate justice champion and has been working to ensure her community has access to climate recovery resources, clean energy jobs and is included in Justice 40 initiatives. Marta does not take fossil fuel money and isn't afraid to hold corporate polluters accountable.

Ysabel Jurado, Los Angeles City Council District 14

Ysabel has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to climate action and sustainability, understanding that the fight for a livable planet is inseparable from the fight for social justice. We are excited to support such a strong climate champion who isn't afraid to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable.

Caitlin Carey, Garfield County Commissioner, CO

Caitlin Carey is a dedicated climate champion who wants to bring clean energy like solar to her community. Caitlin is a loyal protector of our public lands and is committed to transitioning off of fossil fuels and creating a healthy and sustainable economy for the community.

Steven Arauza, Garfield County Commissioner, CO

Steven Arauza is an Environmental Protection Specialist and an oil and gas inspector and has seen firsthand the harms the oil and gas industry has done to communities across Colorado. Steven is advocating for the county to adopt a climate action plan and strengthen the existing permitting process for oil and gas. A fierce defender of frontline communities, Steven will always put his constituents before the oil and gas industry. 

Rue Willis, Chesapeake, VA School Board

Rue Willis is a Gen-Z educator committed to prioritizing climate and sustainability in Chesapeake's education system. Rue believes that schools have a critical role to play in fighting the climate crisis and developing the next generation of leaders in the clean energy economy. Rue is committed to transitioning the school's energy grid to 100% renewables, boosting clean energy jobs training programs for students, preserving green spaces by involving students in the planting and maintenance of native plants and much more.

Precious Brady-Davis, Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation District

Precious Brady-Davis was appointed the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago as commissioner in 2023, making her the first Black trans woman to serve in public office in Cook County, IL. Now, she is running for a full term to continue her work serving the people of the Greater Chicago area. Precious is a lifelong social justice advocate and environmentalist who is committed to protecting Lake Michigan and investing in sustainable, green infrastructure.


Edward Wright, BART Board, District 9

A seasoned transit strategist and communications advisor, Edward has a history of working on key climate initiatives in San Francisco, such as securing funding for the City’s climate plan and advocating for all-electric buildings. His platform prioritizes expanding public transportation services, developing solutions for BART’s funding challenges, and educating the public on the climate benefits of transit​.
